Friday 3 June 2011

A very busy time...

I do appologise for not writing anything for a very long time, but I have been extremely busy since March 2011 as I have stepped up as the Chairperson on the Management Committee for our local pre-school. As one can imagine that involves a lot of work and we've pretty much had a meeting a week with the full committee plus an additional 1-3 meetings per week with individual committee members. It's all very challenging, but generally gives me great satisfaction.

Meanwhile my hobby room has been painted and decorated and is now waiting for the furniture so I can finally put all my books and craft items away in the bookcases and new desk. I also have a Horn Sewing Cabinet on order and all will be delivered next Tuesday...
My task over the weekend is to make sure there is floor space to put all the new furniture in it's new place.

Amidsts all this we have also made two trips to the Netherlands, once for Easter Break and then again last weekend to celebrate my parents' 40th anniversary.

We've had loads of fun, and of course celebrations go with the usual food, so there was not much of a 'sticking to thhe plan' attitude, but obviously the pounds added up around Easter so I was well prepared for a gain. Unfortunately the 'damage' was about 4lbs. I was not sticking to any plan, so feared all my previous hard work had gone belly-up. Fortunately this was not the case and when I weighed myself the Monday before last (about 3 weeks after Easter & Royal Wedding Weekend) and found I had lost about 6lbs, so was well chuffed, especially after not really following a plan in those 3 weeks.
I find just eating smaller portions and using smaller plates works just fine.
OK - the stress involved with all the pre-school work may have helped as well...
We shall see what the status is on Monday.

Another busy week ahead

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