Saturday 11 December 2010

One week on...

Yes, yes, yes, I've passed the 1 Stone weight loss mark!
To date I have lost 16lbs / 7.3kg in 4 weeks.
Way to go, Sure Slim! I am so chuffed I made that first mini goal.
Up to the next stone, which will also break my magic number. I so want to get under that weight that I have not been below for the past 4 1/2 years.

More good news, I've got over half of my Christmas Cards written. Only another 30+ to go...
Not done much craft the past week, made one necklace. Though I have started reading a book, The Highly Sensitive Person, so my time has gone into that and I've been busy with Pre-school stuff. We had a stall at the School Christmas Fayre on Tuesday evening, so had to set up for that in the afternoon. Then of course we had to be at the Fayre that evening.

Friday was our 2-year old daughter's first ever Nativity Play. We had high hopes when she actually wanted to change into her costume, but once all the audience came in she thought it was too much and just wanted to sit on Daddy's lap. I think she'd rather have Mummy's lap, but I had to sell raffle tickets. Unfortunately I could not hand over to anyone else, so Daddy had to do until Mummy was free.
So we had a busy week and another busy week to come.

In the coming week I have to finish all Christmas Cards and post them. All Christmas presents need to be wrapped by Thursday and our suitcase need packing.
On top of that we still have the decorators in for the next week, so the dining room needs to be emptied of most stuff that we moved there from the living room.
I do not know how we're going to pack it all in to just a few days time.

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